I know what you must be thinking... This girl never posts anything on her blog! And it's true, a couple months back, I decided I was going to try and post more regularly and really get my blog up and running. Well, look how that turned out. (Sorry!)
Besides from interning 5 days a week, and working as a personal shopper at weekends, my summer was pretty much non existent which didn't leave much time for blogging!
But it's the start of a new academic year, my final university year to be precise and I've decided this is what I want. I want to blog. I want to be a blogger. There's so many moments when I think 'this would be such a good blog post' or 'I love my outfit today, I should blog it.'
So here goes, fingers crossed and i promise I'm really going to try super hard to post regularly.
I hope you enjoy!